Project Owner
Key Elements
  • Topographic, Boundary, Utility Survey
  • GNSS and Total Station Control
  • Real-Time GIS Asset Inventory
  • GIS Programming and Development
  • Aerial Photogrammetry
Project Duration
  • Completed July 2019


This is a project to bring an additional power source to Long Island. The Poseidon cable is being constructed to transmit electricity from New Jersey, via the Atlantic Ocean, making landfall at Jones Beach. The Poseidon engineers hired GdB to perform a boundary, topographic, and utility survey of the proposed 18-mile route from Jones Beach to a substation in Melville, NY. The topographic survey consisted of aerial photogrammetry field edited by ground crews to ensure accuracy. This was GdB’s largest ground control effort for Aerial Imagery to date. Field Crews set aerial targets at specified distances and provided survey accurate coordinates for photogrammetrists to perform their work to accuracy standards. The boundary survey was quite extensive including right of way mapping of state owned parks, parkways, and expressways, along with town roads, private development, and individual parcels. The proposed substation was monumented for future planning. Utilities were located along the project route to Quality Level B standards as we performed a field markout of all utilities along the route, and investigated all storm drain and sanitary structures. All field data was reconciled with utility record plans.

GdB Value

GdB prepared and provided a complete survey file in AutoCAD Civil 3D utilizing pipe networks and progress was constantly tracked in GIS. This huge survey and mapping effort was expedited and completed within only six months, on time and within budget.