Project Owner
Key Elements
  • Corridor Mapping
  • Topographic Survey
  • Boundary Survey
  • SUE Quality Level "B"
  • Drainage Investigation
  • Stationary LiDAR
Project Duration
  • Completed February 2020


GdB was hired by Burns & McDonnell as a WBE Certified Subconsultant to provide various Land Surveying services on a proposed route for a new 138KV Underground Transmission cable to be used by PSEG to deliver reliable service and grid resiliency to Southwest Nassau County after the failure of two existing 50+ year old cables.


To begin the survey of the lengthy 7.5 mile long corridor, GdB flew the project site to gather new imagery and photogrammetric mapping. Supported by high accuracy ground control, the photogrammetry provided high resolution digital Orthophotos and Topographic mapping with 1’ contours for the entire length of the project. Once the mapping was processed and completed, GdB used traditional ground survey to verify the data gathered by the aerial mapping and locate any and all missing features in the field.


GdB requested record plans from any and all utility providers in the area of the project using the 811 service. All surface utility hardware was located as well as any other utility evidence seen in the field. Utility Markout was performed using electromagnetic induction equipment. Any sewer and drainage features were opened and investigated, measuring pipe size, inverts, connectivity and structure shape/size. GdB developed and uses custom software and equipment to measure underground structures which do not require field personnel to be put in unsafe situations.  Markout, field data and utility record plans were all reconciled together and compiled into a comprehensive base map.

GdB Value

As part of the project scope to determine Right-of-way and Property lines for adjacent properties to the project limits, GdB did extensive research with local municipalities to gather deeds filed maps and filed surveys for every property along the 7.5 mile long route. Office personnel ran calculations with monuments, pipes, fences, etc. collected in the field to accurately depict and compile record data to show on a property survey map.


All work to date has been completed on time, within budget with no safety issues or lost time.